Sandi is blogging from the WhistleStop Cafe kitchen. It's all about good home cooking; food, family and fun. Thousands of posts . . .

~In the south and around the world.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring has Sprung

There is no doubt that it is springtime in Alabama. I wish you could smell the sweet wisteria. It grows as wild as kudzu~ but is a whole lot prettier! The dogwoods are all in bloom too. My favorite time of year! Y'all enjoy~ Sandi


kathleen said...


Good Day Nice site here,I really you template. Good luck


barb cabot said...

Happy Spring Sandi! I love wisteria, the name, the color the feeling of a wonderful time happy time. Thank you.

Sweet Home and Garden Carolina said...

Springtime in 'bama, how I miss it! The dogwoods and magnolias were my faves. We won't have warm weather here for awhile yet ( only God know when ). I did manage to grow a beautiful Chinese wisteria but it was kllled during remodelling.

The Glamorous Gourmet said...

Beautiful post! I can practically smell the wisteria:)

Roz said...

the wisteria bloomed here too, and the dogwoods are almost all open . . . seems earlier this year to me, but I just love them! Southerners are so lucky to have such a beautiful display every spring!

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Springtine!!!

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