PalmaBella starts off the month with a colorful vase of spring flowers. We have been blogging everyday as a part of March Madness and will be gathering in Savannah in just a few days.

Now what's on Your table?
Y'all enjoy~ Sandi
Now what's on Your table?
Y'all enjoy~ Sandi
Seeing the world in a convertible!
I'll let y'all know who's is better!
That picture doesn't look very good~ but believe me it was delish! It was the perfect compliment to sweet potato souffle and ham for our Easter feast.
Y'all enjoy!
Lydia at the Perfect Pantry is featuring the WhistleStop pantry this week. She features a different pantry every week. Believe me it isn't because mine is organized or clean. Maybe while I'm traveling Bill will get this stuff organized (again).
At least I know where things are!
Last year we all showed our pantry's~ I've shown mine. Now y'all show yours.
Sorry for the fuzzy picture... to much rum?
Ciao Y'all~ Sandi
Y'all enjoy!