Sandi is blogging from the WhistleStop Cafe kitchen. It's all about good home cooking; food, family and fun. Thousands of posts . . .

~In the south and around the world.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

PhotoHunt ~ Flow

The Photohunt for today is Flow.

What better than the FLOW of London traffic?

Check for all the other  Photos on The Saturday PhotoHunt
Happy Hunting y'all~


Carver said...

Great take on the theme and a perfect shot for it.

CarpeDiem said...

It doesn't look like things are flowing very freely in this pic. :) Nice photo.

Holledayz said...

This looks like it was taken from the front seat of a Bus 11 Twilight Tour!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Deondra~ things are not flowing at the moment... but we were headed to St Pauls for sunset! The twilight tour indeed.

Roz said...

The flow of London traffic looks wildly fun! I have only been there once, back in the 80s, and would just love to visit again somday! Thanks for sharing your trip!

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