These little dresses are so fun to make and the possibilities are endless.
Once you start buying pillowcases, you can be making dresses for a while.
The instructions are simple . . .
Use the hem of the pillowcase as the hem of the dress. The top is cut to size and simple armholes are made. (measure from the neck to the length you want and add two inches)
The top edge is turned under making a casing for a ribbon or tie. The underarms are turned in a tiny hem stitch.
Then you can embelish with ruffles and trim . . .
The only thing cuter is Hope running around in her pillowcase dress ~ and for some reason, I can't find a single picture of that.
Not to worry . . . there will me more to follow.
LuLu is on a roll ~

Don't forget to check in at Smiling Sally for more blues and Boogie Board Cottage for her Masterpiece Monday.
Y'all enjoy ~
I saw the idea on "Shark Tank," a TV show. It's truly creative. Thanks for joining in to Blue Monday.
Happy Blue Monday, Sandi.
Cool idea!
Great idea!!
Great post for the blue theme!
What a fun idea. happy BM
i wonder if even I, a none sewer, could make one for my granddaughter? Happy Blue Monday!
Never would have thought of that. Super idea and would save a lot of money.
How adorable! I would love one for my little granddaughter. Happy Blue Monday ;)
I can't wait to see little Hope wearing these at the beach....can you make big sister size ones?
Those are lovely. I played too. Mine are here and here.
Great idea! Now, if my Bree will just hurry up and have a girl! LOL
Oh, I think I may know some little ladies who need some of these for summertime! thanks, Sandi! blessings ~ tanna
This is a great posting I have read. Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post
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