One the oldest and best markets in the world is Borough Market. It is off the London Bridge tube stop, on the south bank of the Thames. 

The market is nestled near the Southwark Cathedral. People can relax on the lawn and enjoy their goodies.

A trip to the market is always a treat for me!

You can find fresh fish, meats, and sausages.

Beautiful fresh flowers.

Even Mum's apple pie!

The one thing I noticed... No WhistleStop Products at this market!
Maybe we need to work on that~ Sandi
Sandi you're like a rock star! You're always somewhere exciting and fun. Great photos!
It is as if we are all on a trip! Thank you I really need to get away... if only for a moment!
I love the markets in Europe - they are a real place, and visiting them is an event. We don't have many here - too many of our greenmarkets in NY happen in parking lots, although that's better than no greenmarket at all!
These pictures make me so homesick for London...I've been in the market many times. Someone asked me if I had the opportunity would I move back to England...all I can say is, when do we leave?
Wow Sandi, you were on my side of the world!!! So glad you had such a great time in London...isn't it an awesome place!!! Thanks for the aprons. I love them and looking forward to seeing the reaction when my "Southern Hospitality" basket is auctioned off. -Vonda
I'm with you Sandi. That market needs some fried green tomatoes.
Gigi~ Now I am going to be 'exciting and fun' right here in Alabama
Ally~ I can just take you along
TW~ Isn't that the truth! The difference is that people rely on these markets instead of walmart produce=D
Sandi~ I have thought of you with each London post... bored yet?
Vonda~ I am glad you got the aprons! Enjoy.
MaryAnn~ maybe I need to be the contact person and deliver them myself
Oh, I just love the sign "Mum's apple pies." Great shots!
I love going to the fresh markets in Europe. This is mu hubby's favorite thing to do since we are in the fresh fruit and veggie biz. It realy is fun. Thanks for sharing.
Gosh look at all the goodies. It would be hard to choose and the flowers were beautiful.
Never bored with England you silly goose! Many past lives spent there of that I am certain!
Look at those artichokes! I would kill for one of those! God - the crap they sell at Hy-Vee never looked so good. It would be so cool to be able to shop at that market every week.
We just don't know what fresh food is over here, do we???
I'm enjoying your trip!! I would love to visit a market like this one!
Have a wonderful weekend, Sandi!
It looks fabulous! I would so love to visit someday. You definitely need to get some Whistlestop products there!
Susan~ Mum's apple pie would have to be yummy
Joan~ Do Tell! I thought you were just a world traveler.
Mary~ we snacked along the way like pac-man
sandi~ there is more...
Sally~ the artichokes were huge, enough for 2
Shabby & Pat~ even at fresh market is just isn't the same.
Karla~ I could deliver them personally.
I don't know about you Shabby, but artichokes don't grow too good here in Iowa. Unless you count Jeruselem artichokes! LOL
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