Sandi is blogging from the WhistleStop Cafe kitchen. It's all about good home cooking; food, family and fun. Thousands of posts . . .

~In the south and around the world.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Air Museum in Pensacola ~ Blue Monday

A rainy day at the beach . . . is still a day at the beach.
One of our favorite things to do on a rainy day, is to go to the Air Museum at Pensacola Naval Air Station.
Awesome !
We've been going for 25 years . . .
Papa would tell the kids all about the plane that he'd flown.
Of course they took that to mean 'that was Papa's plane'.  He'd point out which buttons to shoot the guns and which was the eject button.

The are still climbing in and playing Top Gun ~

Even the baby knew how to handle that joy stick!
Holly and I both had tears in our eyes . . . a bittersweet day ~ full of memories we will always cherish.
We tried to go to the Blue Angel practice show on tuesday, but that was canceled.
~there's always next year !

Don't forget to check in at Smiling Sally for more blues.
y'all enjoy~


fourkidsmom said...

We love the air museum in Pensacola and love Pensacola Beach rainy or not.

SmilingSally said...

It's a great idea to go to a museum. I like seeing how personal he made the experience. Thanks for sharing your blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Sandi.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Plenty of patriotic blues here!

Battered Blue Bucket

Chubskulit Rose said...

We went there 7 years ago, it was fun!

Late visit from Blue Monday.

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